IXA531S10 - 3 Phase Gate Driver || IXA531S10 - Quad Industry GmbH

Артикул: IXA531S10
Наименование: 3 Phase Gate Driver || IXA531S10
Производитель: IXYS

Product Detail

Part Num: IXA531S10 DataSheet
Description: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS >, GATE DRIVERS >, Half Bridge & 3 Phase Gate Drivers >, 3 Phase Gate Driver
Package Style: 48-Pin SSLGA
Status: Phase out/Obsolete: Contact the factory for availability and last time buys.

Recommended Alternatives Competing Parts
Ipk, Tc=25°C,(A) 0.6
RthJC, (°C/W) -
PD, Tc=25°C,(W) -
Templow,(°C) -
Temphigh,(°C) -
Protection -
Description -
Installed, Device -
Package Style 48-Pin SSLGA

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