
Артикул Наименование Производитель
800G-11SE107K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: CLOSE Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE110K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: DOWN Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE112K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: EMERGENCY STOP Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE113K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: FAULT Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE114K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: FAST Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE120K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: FORWARD Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE127K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: HAND - AUTO Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE128K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: HAND - OFF - AUTO Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE129K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: HIGH Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE138K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: JOG Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE146K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: LEFT - RIGHT Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE148K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: LOW Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE163K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: OFF Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE165K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: OFF - ON Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE166K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: ON Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE170K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: OPEN Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE171K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: OPEN - CLOSE Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE178K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: POWER ON Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE181K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: PUSH - TO - TEST Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE182K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: RAISE Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE184K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: RAISE - OFF - LOWER Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE186K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: RESET Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE188K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: REVERSE Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE193K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: RUN Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE201K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: SLOW Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE205K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: SLOW - OFF - FAST Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE208K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: START Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE211K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: START - STOP Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE212K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: STOP Allen-Bradley
800G-11SE223K 800G Legend Plate and Frame, English: UP Allen-Bradley

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